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Name   Jinliang Feng Home Page     
Highest Education      1. Ph. D in Quaternary Geology, Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences (Department of Geography), Peking University, In July, 2002. 2. M.A. in Engineering Geology, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology, Geological College of Chengdu, In July, 1991. 3. Graduated from the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering, Geological school of Changchun, In July, 1982. Office      Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shuang Qing Rd. No.18, P.O. Box 2871, Beijing, 100085, China
Phone      010-62849380 Zip Code      100085
Fax      010-62849886 Email      fengjl@itpcas.ac.cn

Education and Appointments:
1. 2004-- Associate Professor in Institute of Tibet Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2. 2002--2004. Post-doctorate in Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 3. 1991--2002. Assistant researcher and associate professor in The Institute of Geography, Hebei Academy of Sciences. 4. 1982--1988. Technician and associate engineer in The Team of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, The Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.

Research Interest:
Surface processes (weathering, erosion, transport and deposition of sediments) and resulting geomorphology: 1. Reconstruction of dammed lake and paleo-environment on the Tibetan Plateau; 2. Soil genesis on the Tibetan Plateau; 3. Origin of terra rossa on the carbonate rocks; 4. Eolian dust and isotopic tracing; 5. Behavious of rare earth elements and other trace elements under terrestrial weathering conditions.
Public Services:

Selected Publications:
1. Feng, J.-L., Zhu, L. –P., Cui, Z.-J., 2009. Quartz features constrain the origin of terra rossa over dolomite on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2009.05.003 (online available). 2. Feng, J. -L., Cui, Z.-J., Zhu, L.-P., 2009. Origin of terra rossa over dolomite on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China. Geochemical Journal, 43(3):151-166. 3. Feng, J.-L., Zhu, L.-P., 2009. Origin of terra rossa on Amdo North Mountain on the Tibetan plateau, China: Evidence from quartz. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55(3): 407–420. 4. Feng, J.-L., Zhu, L.-P., Zhen, X.-L, Hu, Z.-G., 2009. Grain size effect on Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in eolian dust: implications for tracing dust provenance and Nd model age. Geochemical Journal, 43(2): 123-131. 5. Feng, J. -L., Zhu, L. -P., Ju, J.-T., Zhou, L.- P., Zhen, X.-L., Zhang, W., Gao, S.-P., 2008. Heavy dust fall in Beijing, on April 16-17, 2006: geochemical properties and indications of the dust provenance. Geochemical Journal, 42(2): 221-236. 6. Feng Jinliang, Cui Zhijiu, 2002. The reconstruction of fossil planation surface in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(5): 434-440. 7. Feng, J.-L., Zhang, W, 1998. The evolution of the modern Luanhe River delta, North China. Geomorphology, 25(3-4), 269-278.

Supported Projects:
1. Research on origin of Chengdu Clay. 2008-2010, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principle Investigator. 2. Tibetan environmental changes and adaptation. 2006-2010, National Basic Research Program (973 Program), Ministry of Science and Technology, General Investigator. 3. Origin of terra rossa on the carbonate rock on the Yunnan-Guizhou and Tibetan Plateau: evidence from quartz oxygen isotope. 2005--2007, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principle Investigator. 4. Spacial variation of terra rossa in the Yunnan-Guizhou and Tibetan Plateau. 2002--2004, the support of K. C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong. Principle Investigator. 5. Solum dating based on ferromanganese concretions. 2002--2004, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Principle Investigator. 6. Engineering geology of marine soft sediment in coastal area of Hebei Province. 1997--1999, Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, Principle Investigator. 7. Environmental engineering geology and coastal engineering in coastal area of Hebei Province. 1993--1995,Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, Principle Investigator. 8. Disaster of flood, debris flow, and land slide on the Taihang Mountains in Hebei Province. 1991--1993, Bureau of Science and Technology, Hebei Province, Principle Investigator. 9. Alluvial sediment and hydraulic geometry relationship in the North China Plain. 1993--1995, National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Investigator. 10. Hydrogeology investigation of groundwater resources for Sanhe Power Plant.1987—1988, The Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, General Investigator. 11. Investigation hydrogeology, environmental geology, and engineering geology in Xingtai city. 1985—1986, The Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, General Investigator. 12. Hydrogeology investigation of groundwater resources in Yellow river-Huai river-Hai river plain. 1982--1984, The Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, General Investigator.