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Name(A~Z) Tel E-MAIL Research Interests
Ailikun 010-84249391 aili@itpcas.ac.cn  Asian monsoon, global change, climate change adaptation, sustainability study

Baiqing Xu 010-84097075 baiqing@itpcas.ac.cn  
Baosheng An 010-84097081 anbaosheng@itpcas.ac.cn  
Binbin Wang wangbinbin@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: The land-atmosphere interaction processes, Observation and modeling of lake processes, Regional water balance and water cycle
Research Fields: The observation, simulation and satellite application of lake processes on the Tibetan Plateau; The regional climate effects of high-elevation lakes.
Chaolu Yi 010-84097097 clyi@itpcas.ac.cn

Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology 

Chao Wang wangchao@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Processes of oceanic subduction, continental collision and continental subduction in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas, such as Myanmar, India and Iran.

Research Fields: Geochronology, geochemistry and continental tectonics
Chao You youchao@itpcas.ac.cn或youchao_87@163.com  
Chen Wu wuchen@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Structural geology and tectonics, Continental deformation, Geologic mapping

Research Fields: Structural Geology and Tectonics
Chuanfei Wang 010-84249468 wangchuanfei@itpcas.ac.cn  
Cunbo Han cunbo.han@itpcas.ac.cn  
Cuo Lan 010-84097091 lancuo@itpcas.ac.cn Surface hydrology, Climatology, Ecology
Dan Liu liu.dan@itpcas.ac.cn  
Deliang Chen 010-317864813 deliang@gvc.gu.se  
Dong Cai 010-6805523 caidong@itpcas.ac.cn

Mass balance of Glacier 

Donghai Zheng 010-84504383 zhengd@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Microwave Remote Sensing, Land Surface Modelling
Research Fields: Remote Sensing and Hydrometeorology
Dongmei Qu dm@itpcas.ac.cn  
Eryuan Liang 010-84097069 liangey@itpcas.ac.cn

Dendroecology, Ecological processes of alpine treeline/shrublines, Xylogenesis

Research Fields: Alpine Ecology

Eryuan Liang 010-62849380 liangey@itpcas.ac.cn Dendroecology and climatic change
Fahu Chen fhchen@itpcas.ac.cn

Quaternary (especially Holocene) Environment, Climatic Changes, Loess-Desert-Aeolian Processes & History, Environmental Archeology and Palaeolimnology. 

Fan Zhang 010-84097030 zhangfan@itpcas.ac.cn Alpine region hydrology, soil erosion, sediment and reactive transport
Fengge Su 010-840977072 fgsu@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Cold region hydrology, Multi-scale hydrologic modelling, Hydrologic response to climate changes
Research Fields: Hydrology and water resources
Fuli Wu 010-84097056 wufuli@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Ecological environmental change, Asian monsoon evolution, Desertification of Asian inland, Palaeoelevation of Tibetan Platea 

Research Fields: Cenozoic ecological environmental change 

Fulong Cai 010-84097115 flcai@itpcas.ac.cn Palaeogeographic reconstruction, Subduction-accretion of Neo-Tethyan Ocean, Continental collision between India and Asia.
Gengxin Zhang 010-84097071 zhangg@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Microbial mediated soil carbon cycle; Geomicrobiology 

Research Fields: microbial ecology, Geomicrobiology 

Guangjian Wu 010-84097080 wugj@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Atmosphreic dust in ice core, Glacial environment and glaciochemistry

Research Fields: Ice core record and atmospheric dust

Guodong Cheng gdcheng@lzb.ac.cn

Physical Geography (Watershed Hydrology, Watershed Water and Soil Resource Science and Watershed Restoration Ecology)  

Haichao Xie hcxie@itpcas.ac.cn  
Hongbing Liu 010-84097048 hbliu@itpcas.ac.cn  
Honghong Wei 010-84097048 weihh@itpcas.ac.cn

Sedimentology and Basin Analysis 

Houqi Wang 010-84097084 wanghq@itpcas.ac.cn

Initial time and suturing process of India-Eurasia continental collision in southern Tibet, Pakistan and Indo-Burma Ranges;

Regional structural deformation and tectonic evolution of collisional thrust and strike-slip fault system;

Evolution of accretionary complex during Neo-Tethys oceanic subduction process;

Uplift history of Tibetan Plateau and the environmental impacts;

Field mapping, Multi-geochronology, Provenance analysis of sedimentary rocks, etc.

Jianbao Liu 010-84097034 jbliu@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Fields: Paleoclimatology and paleolimnology, with special focus on monsoon climate change and its impacts, and the Anthropocene

Research Interests: East Asian summer monsoon change, its impacts, and the Anthropocene

Jiankun He 010-84097064 jkhe@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Active Tectonics, Geodetic GPS measurements, Earthquake Trigerring, Multiscale Geodynamical modeling

Research Fields: Active Tecronics and Geodynamics

Jian Sun 010-84097094 sunjian@itpcas.ac.cn  
Jianting Ju Jujianting@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Limnology on the Tibetan Plateau: observation/investigation and simulation, Paleolimnology on the Tibetan Plateau: geochemistry
Research Fields: Lake and Environment Change
Jing Xie 010-84249314 xiejing@itpcas.ac.cn  
Jinliang Feng 010-62849380 fengjl@itpcas.ac.cn Surface processes (weathering, erosion, transport and deposition of sediments) and resulting geomorphology: 1. Reconstruction of dammed lake and paleo-environment on the Tibetan Plateau; 2. Soil genesis on the Tibetan Plateau; 3. Origin of terra rossa on the carbonate rocks; 4. Eolian dust and isotopic tracing; 5. Behavious of rare earth elements and other trace elements under terrestrial weathering conditions.
JinLiang Feng 010-84097095 fengjl@itpcas.ac.cn
Fluvial processes and paleo-dammed-lake reconstruction, Lacustrine processes and high-lake-level reconstruction, Eolian processes and deposition, Weathering processes and weathering productions.
Jinzhi Ding jzding@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Carbon exchange between alpine ecosystems and the atmosphere and its feedback to climate change and its response to changing climate; dynamics of structure and functioning of alpine ecosystems, and how the alpine ecosystem functioning is determined by the interplay of climate, plant and soil microbial processes. 
Research Fields: Biogeochemical Cycling, Climate Change Ecology
Jiule Li  
Junbo Wang 010-84097055 wangjb@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Lake modern process, water chemistry, thermal dynamics, lake drilling, lake sediment, paleoenvironmental change, Indian Summer Monsoon evolution
Research Fields: Lake sediment and paleoenvironmental change, Limnology and hydrology, Quaternary environment
Juzhi Hou 010-84097077 houjz@itpcas.ac.cn Biomarkers based temperature reconstruction, past climate change, Paleolimnology
Kun Yang 010-84097094 yangk@itpcas.ac.cn


Lei Wang 010-84097107 wanglei@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Multi-sphere hydrology processes (especially cryosphere hydrology); Remote sensing hydrology; Climate change; Integrated water resources management
Research Fields: Cryosphere Hydrology and Climate Change
Lili Jiang 010-84097096 lljiang@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Mechanism of plant species coexist and Productivity maintenance, grassland ecology, Climate Change
Research Fields: Grassland Ecology, Climate Change
Lin Ding dinglin@itpcas.ac.cn

My expertise lies in continental tectonics, regional geology, continental collision between Eurasia and India and uplift of Tibetan Plateau. 

Liping Zhu 010-84097093 lpzhu@itpcas.ac.cn

Global Change and Quaternary Environment 

Lonnie G. Thompson  
Maodu Yan 010-84097089 maoduyan@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: The tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and its impact on paleogeography and mineral resources.
Research Fields: Paleomagnetism and Tectonics
Min Feng 010-64836241 mfeng@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Calibration and fusion of multi-sources, multi-types of remote sensing data; Long term forest and water monitoring and analysis; Periglacial landforms identification using Deep learning

Research Fields: land cover with remote sensing big data

Minghui Li 010-84097056 liminghui@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Environmental minerals and lacustrine sediments; Salt minerals, stable isotopes, and Non-traditional stable isotopes; Clay minererals in high saline conditions; Evaporate deposits
Research Fields: Environmental Minerals and Environmental Change
Minyan Zhao 010-84097121 zhaominyan@itpcas.ac.cn;minyan.zhao@anso.org.cn

Dr. Zhaominyan is the Program officer in the division of Science Planning and Consultation of ANSO Secretariat. She got her PhD and as a postdoctoral researcher worked in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS. Her research focuses on region sustainable development, protected areas management. She is the nature education specialist for the Chinese National Committee for Man and Biosphere Programme, UNESCO, and also for the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China. From 2006-2017, she served for Southwest Forestry University as associate professor and the director of International Center for Environmental Interpretation and Education. She was the first interpretation trainer of National Association for Interpretation (NAI) in China. She has published more than 50 papers in journals of English and Chinese, carried on some projects from China National Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, State Forestry Administration of China, and so on.

Mo Wang wangmo@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Black and organic carbon recorded in ice core, Source apportionment study of black and organic carbon, Influence of black carbon on the snow albedo, Climate forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
Research Field: Atmospheric Environment
Peiping Song songpp@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Paleomagnetism & Rock magnetism, Geochronology, Continental tectonics

Research Fields: Applications of geochronology, paleomagnetism, and rock magnetism to tectonics evolution of the Tibet Plateau and its surrounding areas
Pengyun Xie  
Qiang Xu 010-84097172 xuqiang@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Receiver function analysis, Waveform modelling and inversion techniques, Imaging the lithospheric structure, Dynamic processes of Tibetan Plateau uplift.
Research Field: Earthquake Seismology
Qinfeng Ma maqingfeng@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Paleoclimate and paleovegetation reconstruction, Paleolimnology, Palynology
Research Fields: Quaternary environment evolution, Lake's Sedimentology
Qinghai Zhang 010-84097079 zhang@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy, basin evolution, paleoenvironment
Research Fields: Biostratigraphy, Paleoenvironment
Qinghua Ye 010-84097054 yeqh@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Integrated research on observing changes on terrestrial surface, e.g. glacier/lake/land cover/landscape changes on TP from space by remote sensing techniques and GIS analysis.
Research Fields: Change studies on terrestrial surface from RS and GIS techniques
Qingzhou Lai 010-84249314 laiqz@itpcas.ac.cn  
Rendeng Shi 010-84097062 shirendeng@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Ophiolite and Tethys evolution, Genesis of Earth
Research Fields: Genesis of peridotites (chromitites) and the evolution of lithospheric mantle
Shaopeng Gao 010-84097125 gaoshaopeng@itpcas.ac.cn  
Shenghai Li shl@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Glacier change, Meteorology in ultra-high-altitude region, Hydrology in glacier and permafrost regions
Research Fields: Glacier changes and hydrometeorology in cold regions
Shengli Yang slyang@itpcas.ac.cn  
Shifeng Wang 82-10-84097049 wsf@itpcas.ac.cn  
Shilong Piao slpiao@itpcas.ac.cn  
Shugang Jia jiasg@itpcas.ac.cn

Pedology, Ecology, Soil-ecology 

Tianxiang Luo 010-84097060 Luotx@itpcas.ac.cn
Weicai Wang 010-84249468 weicaiwang@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Glacial lake mapping, Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risk assessment, Glacial lake monitoring and early warning system 

Research Fields: Glacial lake mapping, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risk assessment, glacial lake monitoring and early warning system 

Weifeng Dong 010-84097098  
Weilin Zhang 010-84097034 zhangwl@itpcas.ac.cn  
Weiming Fan 010-84097038 wmfan@itpcas.ac.cn  
Weimin Wang 010-84097049 wangwm@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Earthquake source, Theoretical seismogram, No-linear optimization

Research Fields: Earthquake rupture process and rapid seismic intensity assessment, stress interaction among the earthquakes, no-linear optimization, etc.
Wenjun Tang 010-84097046 tangwj@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Estimation of surface radiation with remote sensing and station data; Development of meteorological forcing dataset over China; Solar resource assessment; PV power forecasting method development
Research Field: Quantitative remote sensing; Surface energy balance and climate change; Solar resource assessment
Wentao Huang whuang@itpcas.ac.cn

Kinematics and dynamics of the convergent orogenic system;

Geochronology and low-temperature thermochronology;

Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism;

Paleointensity and geodynamo; 
Xiangjun Tian tianxj@itpcas.ac.cn
Xianyong Cao xcao@itpcas.ac.cn Pollen-base paleoecology reconstruction, Modern pollen processes, Quaternary vegetation evolution
Xiaoduo Pan 010-64833141 panxd@itpcas.ac.cn

Regional climate change, data assimilation, data integration, big data analysis 

Xiaojuan Yang yangxj@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xiaomin Fang fangxm@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Cenozoic magnetostratigraphy and basin analysis; Mountain building and Asian monsoon-aridification

Research Fields: Uplift of Tibetan Plateau and environmental change

Xiaoming Lu luxiaoming@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Dendroecology, Ecological processes of alpine treeline/shrublines
Research Fields: Alpine Ecology
Xiaonan Shi 010-84097115 shixiaonan@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Riverine sediment load and change in response to climatic and environmental factors, soil erosion mechanism driven by snowmelt runoff and affected by soil freeze and thaw, electrolyte tracer method of erosion parameters measurement

Research Fields: Riverine sediment load, snowmelt erosion, parameter measurement method

Xiaowei Nie xwnie@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xiaoxia Li lxx@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xiaoyi Wang xiaoyiwang@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xing Gao 010-62849341 gxing@itpcas.ac.cn
Xin LI 010-84249063 xinli@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Land data assimilation, application of remote sensing and GIS in hydrology, application of remote sensing and GIS in cryospheric science, integrated watershed study. 

Research Fields: Data Assimilation, Remote Sensing

Xin Liu 010-62849377 lx@itpcas.ac.cn Atmospheric Dynamics and Boundary Layer Meteorology
Xin Liu 010-84097059 lx@itpcas.ac.cn

Atmospheric Dynamics and Boundary Layer Meteorology 

Xinmiao Lv lvxm@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Palynology, modern pollen process (especially airborne pollen), Quaternary environmental change, lake sediments

Research Fields: Palynology and environmental change
Xin Wan xin.wan@itpcas.ac.cn Atmospheric Environment in Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau 
Xin Wan hejie@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xiuping Li lixiuping@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests:
(1) Water balance (precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, terrestrial water storage) over the Third Pole region;
(2) Elevation dependence of meteorological variables including air temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, wind speed, radiation;
(3) Influence of climate change and Indian monsoon on precpitation over the Third Pole region;
(4) Assessment and projection of global climate model;
(5) Large-scale precipitation and recycled precipitation.
Research Fields: Hydrometeorology and climatology over the Third Pole region
Xuejun Guo 010-84097347 guoxj@itpcas.ac.cn Data management and application
Xuelong Chen x.chen@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Micro-meteorology, Mountain meteorology, Remote sensing

Research Fields: land-air interaction

Xuliang Zhuang 010-84097098 xlzhuang@itpcas.ac.cn  
Xu-Ri xu-ri@itpcas.ac.cn Research interests: Terrestrial ecosystem nitrogen cycle, biogenic trace gas emissions (CH4, NO, N2O) and their interaction with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, changing climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition.
Research Fields: Terrestrial ecosystem nitrogen cycle.
Xu Zhang xu.zhang@itpcas.ac.cn Abrupt climate change, Glacial cycles, Extreme Climate, Internal climate feedbacks (cryosphere-atmosphere-ocean interactions), Tropical climate dynamics, Water isotope modelling, Earth System Modelling 
Xu Zhou xuzhou@itpcas.ac.cn  
Yafeng Wang 010-84249481 yfwang@itpcas.ac.cn  
Yahui Yue 010-84249314 yueyh@itpcas.ac.cn
Yanbin Lei 010-84097046 leiyb@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interets: Lake level seasonality; Extreme lake level changes on the TP and its response to climate change; Lake water balance in different climate regimes of the TP.
Research Fields: Lake dynamics and climate change; Lake hydrology
Yang Gao 010-84097052 yanggao@itpcas.ac.cn
To extract and analyze the unique geographic elements of the cryosphere on the Third Pole;
To establish the geographic information system to simulate and investigate the relationship between geographic elements;
To identify the uncertainty in existing snow data, snow mass distribution and changing patterns, long-term snow trends and their control factors.
Research Field:
Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Cryosphere
Yanli Yuan yuanyl@itpcas.ac.cn


Yaoming Ma 010-84097068 ymma@itpcas.ac.cn

Atmospheric boundary layer observation and satellite remote sensing application 

Yibo Yang yangyibo@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Mountain building and weathering, Asian arid-monsoon environmental evolution, Eolian processes in arid northern Tibet
Research Fields: Uplift of Tibetan Plateau and environmental change
Yilong Wang wangyilong@itpcas.ac.cn  
Ying Dai  
Yingfeng Ji yingfengji@itpcas.ac.cn Subduction processes, geodynamic modeling, petrological metamorphism
Yinsheng Zhang 010-84097073 yszhang@itpcas.ac.cn

Land surface hydrological processes 

Yongjiu Dai daiyj6@mail.sysu.edu.cn  
Yongqin Liu 010-84097122 yqliu@itpcas.ac.cn
Glacier Microorganisms, Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeochemical cycle
Yongwen Liu liuyongwen@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests:
Terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle and global change: My research interests cover mainly the responses of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling to global change, such as rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, climate warming, nitrogen deposition change, and human activities, based on model-data analysis and in situ field investigations.
Research Field:
Terrestrial ecosystem carbon-nitrogen cycle, Alpine plant-soil process, Carbon cycle-climate feedbacks
Yufeng Dai 010-84249441 Yufengdai@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests: Lake effect precipitation on Tibetan Plateau, Regional Climate Analysis and Simulation

Research Fields: physical geography
Zhang Heng zhangheng415@itpcas.ac.cn
Research Interests: Formation of the rift, seismic tomography, continental margin and development of seismic instruments
Research Fields: Seismology, Geodynamics and Fiber Seismometers
Zhenyu Li lizy@itpcas.ac.cn

Research Interests:

Paleomagnetism, tectonics, paleogeographic reconstructions of Tibetan terranes/blocks as well as kinematic evolution and drift history of the Lhasa, Qiangtang terranes of Tibet during Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic time within the Eastern Tethys Realm. 
Restoration of vertical-axis rotations surrounding the eastern and western Himalayan syntaxes and crustal shortening occurred on the Asian side since onset of India-Asia collision through Cenozoic time.
Research Fields: Paleomagnetism and Geochronology, tectonics of Tibetan Plateau.
Zhen Zhang zhenzhang@itpcas.ac.cn